

I have just been back from a vacation and with all the hiking and climbing there, I came back with extreme pain in my knees. I normally run miles a day- 7 days a week. But have never experienced this kind of pain before, where I had to regain balance and give my knees some time before I could walk normally. I guess climbing up and down the mountain slopes puts a different kind of pressure on the joints.

Luckily I had come across Flanax. It took like two days for the pain to subside. I must say it has given me a lot of relief and I am able to go back to my morning runs again.

Normally when I take pain killer, it comes with lot of drowsiness and weakness. With Flanax I was not drowsy at all and no side effect of any kind.

Flanax is good for providing targeted and fast acting temporary relief from minor aches, muscle strain and stiffness, joint pain and simple back, neck, shoulder, hand and foot pain and other causes of pain.

It takes effect pretty fast, too. The pain goes away within minutes for me. But every person is different and I am sure Flanax will work differently for every person. I’ve tried regular aspirins and they work the first couple times and then nothing. This gives me the results every time.

For more product information : www.flanaxusa.com

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